Mother used to say,"Let nothing so fill you with
pain or sorrow as to make you forget the joy of the Resurrection." So even
as we mourn the loss of our dearest Mother, we are consoled by our faith
in the JOY and PEACE which Mother now experiences in being united yo God.
Mother was always grateful for the abundance of
spiritual help which you and so many good priests gave to our sisters and
the poor.Mother's great love for the priesthood promted her to begin the
spiritual adoption of priests, and also the movement of priestly renewal
know as the "Corpus Christi Movement." In this movement, I would encourage
you and all your brothr priests to partecipate in this spiritual heritage
of Mother for the glory of God and the good of souls. Those who are interested
in being part of "Corpus Christi Movement",please contact: Rev. Fr. Pascual
Cervera, Church of the Holy Spirit, 1940 Universiry Avenue, Bronx N.Y.
10453 USA.
Your assurance of continued prayer and spiritual
support is greatly appreciated.Mother will surely help and intercede for
us with God. Let us remember Mother's love and loyalty to Holy Father and
fidelity to the teachings of the Church, and pledge ourselves to the same.
May we unite in Jesus' name, together with our dearest Mother, to continue
serving God's people, most particurarly the poorest of the poor.
With an assurance of prayer and asking your priestly
God Bless You.
Nella lettera sopra riportata le Missionarie della
Carità ringraziano per i messaggi e le preghiere, dedicate a Madre
Teresa, presenti sul nostro sito; essi rivelano la profonda gratitudine
che noi nutriamo verso Madre Teresa e verso di loro.
Si raccomandano alle nostre preghiere e ci esortano
a non lasciarci dominare dal dolore e dalla tristezza ed a vivere nella gioia della Resurrezione.
Si rivolgono in particolare ai sacerdoti ricordando
l'esistenza del "Corpus Christi Movement" e l'interesse di Madre Teresa
per l'adozione spirituale dei sacerdoti.Per informazioni relative al movimento
contattare: Rev. Fr. Pascual Cervera, chiesa di Holy Spirit.1940 University
Avenue, Bronx N.Y. 10453 USA.
Infine,si raccomandano ancora alle nostre preghiere
e ci invitano a metterci al servizio dei poveri.